G Genus Plant List
Based on: the Flora of the Cayman Islands by Dr. George Proctor.
Galactia striata FABACEAE Forida Hammock Milkpea
Gliricidia sepium FABACEAE Quickstick; Aaron's Rod
Gomphrena globosa AMARANTHACEAE
Gossypium barbadense MALVACEAE Sea-island Cotton, Long-staple Cotton
Gossypium hirsutum MALVACEAE Wild Cotton; Short-staple cotton
Guaiacum officinale ZYGOPHYLLACEAE Lignum Vitae
Guaiacum sanctum ZYGOPHYLLACEAE Lignum Vitae
Guapira discolor NYCTAGINACEAE Cabbage Tree; Blolly; Beefwood
Guazuma tomentosa Changed to Guazuma ulmifolia MALVACEAE Ba'cedar
Guettarda elliptica RUBIACEAE Picklewood
Guilandina bonduc CAESALPINIACEAE Changed to FABACEAE Cockspur; Grey Nickel
Guilandina caymanensis CAESALPINIACEAE Changed to FABACEAE
Guilandina intermedia CAESALPINIACEAE Changed to FABACEAE Cockspur, Yellow Nickel
Guilandina wrightiana CAESALPINIACEAE Changed to FABACEAE Cockspur, Yellow Nickel
Gyminda latifolia CELASTRACEAE Gyminda
Gymnanthes lucida EUPHORBIACEAE Narrow-leaf Ironwood; Crab Bush