Witches’ Broom
A Neotropical Smut Fungus
Pease Bay, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands Specimen January 16, 2012
Parasitic plant growing on Cissus trifoliata VITACEAE Sorrel Vine, Marine Vine
The publication on this fungi is interesting
Mycosyrinx and other pair-spored Ustilaginales
Mycosyrinx and other pair-spored Ustilaginales
Flowering time;
Distribution; GC
Habitat; Parasite vine on Cissus
Status; Rare
Notes; Little is know about this fungi. Two other specimens were collected by E. Sundell 2140, 03 Jan 1982 A parasitic plant growing on Cissus trifoliata VITACEAE Sorrel Vine, Marine Vine