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Smoke Wood

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2 Paralelle lines to the mid rib

It will loose all of it's leaves (deciduous) in April / May before blooming again in June,
a green beetle (Scarabaeidae, cetoniinae) will pollinate the flowers at that time.

It has traditionally been used as an insecticide by the farmers.

Buckets of smoking green leaves were put in a bucket in the fields to repel mosquitoes in their cow fields.

This tree has a smooth bark.

Flowering time; Spring

Distribution; GC, CB, LC

Habitat; Dry thickets and woodland

Status; Infrequent

Notes; Horticulture potential: This 20' tree is an interesting branching tree that has it's place in your landscape. The red berries are a nice highligh in spring. The under leaves have two longitudinal lines.

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